Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mmmm...Corn Tortillas...

At this point, buying Sophie actual dog food is no longer necessary. Thanks to the Hot Mess that is Ryan, she seems to get all her food from our table. Let's take yesterday....

Unknown amount of Cheerios that were victims of poor eye-hand coordination and landed on the floor.
Half a peanut butter sandwich stolen while Sean made a peepee run.
A two pound bag of soft corn tortillas that were apparently calling her name from the second shelf of the pantry.
Bits of pork chop, mashed potatoes and peas, all smushed under Ryan's butt in the booster seat.

Seriously, I'm surprised she evens eats dog food anymore.

Don't be distracted by the stunningly handsome baby boy.
Note the positioning of the dog in the lower left hand corner.
That apple and animal crackers don't stand a chance!

A two pound bag of corn tortillas?! Really!?


jessica said...

How does that baby already know to pose? He's a bigger cheeser than his big brother!

Grammy said...

What a cutie!!

Anonymous said...

That's Shadow's favorite spot- next to Emily's chair! Do you ever hear "the dog is bothering me"??? Especially after they TRY to feed them???

Anonymous said...

That's Shadow's favorite spot- next to Emily's chair! Do you ever hear "the dog is bothering me"??? Especially after they TRY to feed them???