Wednesday, January 13, 2010

We Have Moved!!

Well, we didn't move, but the blog has!  I finally made the jump over to WordPress, and I think I love it!  LOL!  Still figuring it all out, but the big bonus is that I can now blog from my iPhone!  LOL!  Yay, Trey will be so friggin' happy about that!

So update your blogs, bookmarks, calendars, contacts, etc!  You can find us over at....

And thanks so much for following along on our crazy journey!
Trey, Amy, Isabella, Sean, Ryan & Sophie

Blood on the Ice!

Well, not quite yet, at least!  We got Sean into a Play-to Learn hockey program, which is as absurd as it sounds!  One of the coaches is a guy that Trey works with, so even though it's in Granite City, IL (45 minutes away!), we made the trek this past weekend for the first session.

Rick presenting Sean & Trey with all the gear.
The overwhelming feeling begins to set in!

He's getting smaller by the second.

Hoisting Sean into another layer of gear.

Uh-oh.  I think we're starting to lose him!
Sizing note:  See those bulky hockey pants?
They're supposed to hit lower-thigh, above the knee.
Those pants are wearing Sean.

This is taking so long, Ryan's starting to go out.

Alright!  We're down to the skates!
And thanks to the random hockey dad for loaning us a jersey!

This is the last smile I saw for over an hour.
If you can call it a smile.

All suited up and ready to go!

This is about the best stance he had the entire time!
BTW, it was an outdoor skating rink.
It was maybe 15 degrees.
Just to add to the adventure!

So dad and Sean cut out after about 45 minutes.
I think that is a genuine smile on his face!

But never fear!
We got home and Sean was ready to get suited up again,
and get practicing on those mad hockey skillz!
You will see us again, Granite City!
You will see us again.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Year's Eve '09

Just like last year, the Lattas brought in the new year with the Caylor family at their New Year's Eve party. It's always a mix of people, and like always, the Caylors know how to throw one heck of a party and we had a blast!

No, seriously, we had a blast.

See, Trey's getting in the spirit!

Sean, on the other hand...

Hey, Party People!  LOL!

Abby & Isabella, trying to figure out who can be the loudest.
Geez, that was fun!  LOL!

Daddy, Sean & Mommy
Isabella was too busy blowing her horns!
Baby Ryan brought the new year in sleeping upstairs!

The Day After Christmas 2009

Not to be confused with a Catastrophe movie, we had our big Christmas dinner with my dad the day after Christmas this year.  It was a mix of our family and Annie's family, and it was so great to have Jessica in town.  Such is life when we all live in different places, so those times when we can be together are so special.  =)  That, and the boys were so excited to get out in the cold!

"Really, Mom, do you know how cold it is outside?"

"Don't talk to me."

Ryan taunting Charlie Brown with his cookie.

Opening presents with GiGi, Aunt J and Jake.

Ryan & Daddy
What handsome guys I have!

Two birthdays and three Christmas' later,
I'd say Ryan has the "opening presents" thing in the bag!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Christmas Morning

So Christmas Eve night, we headed home and got the boys to bed so that the Big Man could visit us at our house.  I love this so much and indeed reminds me of being little - going to bed, waiting for Santa to come, waking up to find that He CAME!  Christmas is so fun through your child's eyes!

On Christmas Eve night, the boys opened matching PJs for Christmas morning.  And you'll see how pathetic my attempts were to get photos of my freaking cute boys!  So we got the boys up in the morning, and Sean runs to the window.  I was so confused, but he looked outside, saw that it had snowed and said, "It snowed!  It IS Christmas!"  That kid will be disappointed to find out we don't normally get a White Christmas!

This may be the best pic of them in their matching PJs!
But they are CUTE!

The boys opening their stockings while we wait for Grandpa and Oma.

Crappy camera or not, Sean is simply gorgeous.
Ok, with a really big head.

Ryan likes what Santa brought his brother more than his own goods!

There's an awesome Christmas Morning Grin!

The boys opening "The Big Present" from Santa!
Wait, Ryan's just playing with the trash bag in the background...

It's a BAT CAVE!
The best money Santa ever spent.

OMG, Santa brought a Batcopter, too!
It's the best Christmas morning ever!

After the presents were opened, we had an amazing brunch with Grandpa and Oma, Aunt Jessica and Uncle Jake and my Uncle Dave.  We stuffed our faces, played Guitar Hero for a couple of hours, and stayed warm by the fire.  Oh, and Trey tried to "fix" our stereo receiver, which had one speaker not working, and ended up breaking the whole damn thing.  Guess what Trey and I bought ourselves for Christmas!

Christmas Eve in Hannibal

OK, I've only started this post FIVE times!  So...I'll eliminate the fantastic wit (HaHaHaHa!), and just get straight to the pics.  Ryan's new favorite habit is slamming the laptop screen on my fingers.  Why he thinks this is funny, I'll never know...

We spend every Christmas Eve celebrating with the extended Latta family in Hannibal, and Christmas Eve morning is our time with Isabella.

Me and my kiddos on Christmas Eve morning

They all opened presents together.
Isabella was the best big sister, helping her little brothers!

Ryan's lovin' this opening presents thing!

The boys eating breakfast at their new kiddie table.
Sean refused to look at me and smile.
Lil' Stink.

After hanging out at Grammy's all day, we headed over to Poppa & Nana Roxy's for Christmas Eve dinner with the whole family.  Lots of good food and kids playing and visiting with all the family!

Piglet and Momma

Ryan, Momma & Isabella

My IzzyB and Me

Um, yeah, the best picture I could get with Sean.
Lil' Stink.

Trey & Amy
Celebrating out 9th Christmas together!

Sean put on a little performance with one of his new Christmas presents.
I have to get some video of him - he's a rock star in the making!

Nana Rox, Santa, Poppa Latta
Santa showed up - and this was the best picture I got!
The kids were not so much interested in getting their pic taken.

My boys playing with their new stuff.
Wait, that's Ryan with my phone.  Again.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Out with the old...

To make room for Christmas, we did a pretty massive family clean-out around the house, loading up two van loads of toys, games, and clothes over the course of the last two weeks and driving them over to Goodwill.

Not wanting to be seen as the Unproductive type, Ryan helped us clean up, too.  Unfortunately, like most of his "help," it was not asked for, and not necessarily helpful, either.

OK, I've gone through all the movies!

Momma, I helped!

Could it be.....

Apparently we had a prankster in our midst during my Holiday Coffee Club.  Best part about this was that the party was Monday morning.  Tuesday night, Trey's sitting at the dining room table talking to Mandy on the phone when he says to me "You have bad friends."  I had no idea what he was talking about and he kept telling me to look at the mantle.  I can't tell you how long it was before I realized some sick, twisted person had switched up "Santa" to say "Satan."  A sick, twisted person after my own heart!

Candy Cane Bandit

After Ryan's birthday party, we had loads of candy canes left over from the hot chocolate bar.  Candy canes wrapped in impossible-to-open cellophane.  Well, impossible if you're an adult.

Ryan now understands what Buddy the Elf is talking about.

Ryan, being smarter than his own Momma, figured out that if you violently broke the candy cane, that pesky cellophane broke free from the sugary goodness inside.  Next thing I knew, Ryan, Sean and even Sophie were all hopped up on goofballs.