Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Red October

Even though we rarely make it to a game anymore, Trey and I are huge Cardinal fans, if you didn't know. Ask me some time why Sean is named Sean. Anyway, thanks to Grammy and her friend Dwayne, we all went to a game on Saturday - the first for us this season, and of course, the first for Ryan ever! And the first for Sean that he could remember, since his only other game was three years ago.

Of course, this was the second to the last game of the season, the Cards had already clinched the division, and we were already headed to the playoffs. And it was arctic-like in The Lou that day. But it was really cool and exciting, nonetheless! Please don't let the sourpuss face on my son lead you to believe anything else.

Sean & Trey walking up.
They're really serious about baseball...

My little cutie pie snuggling up on Grammy.

Upset, Indifferent, and Happy

Really, does it have to be this hard to get a good pic of everyone?
And how cute is Piglet under his little hood?

Trey and Sean right after going through the gates.
Seriously, kid, this is supposed to be fun. Smile already.

Grammy & Ryan through the gates.

OMG, he's the cutest thing ever.

OK, there are some happy faces.
That's the best we're going to get out of Sean.
And don't let him fool you, he had a blast!

Thanks so much, again, Grammy and Dwayne, we had such a great time, you're so generous, as always, and we love you guys so much!


Grammy said...

Was a perfect weekend and the weather was great. Had a really good time!!

izzy-bee said...

it was not great weather it was COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!