Monday, July 14, 2008

Like Father, Like Son

It's not enough, really, that Sean adores his Daddy, worships baseball like his Daddy, loves the vroom, vroom of anything on wheels like his Daddy.  Now we can add another love that father and son share...mowing the lawn!

Super, duper, incredible thanks, again, to my friend Susie, who bought this bubble mower for Sean for his birthday.  This baby's already gotten tons of mileage.  Here's some video of Daddy and Sean sharing one of their loves together:

You can also find this video on our You Tube page.  


jodi said...

this is the cutest freakin' thing I've ever seen!

Oh, and if Sean ever is ever looking for more to mow, he can come on over anytime!

Unknown said...

That is so cute!!!

Karon said...

Too cute!!! He's a chip off the ol' block!

Mandy said...

I love how he turns the mower just like Trey!

jessica said...

I agree with Mandy. He waits until Trey turns the mower. Oh, I also love how your husband waves to a neighbor in mid-mow. Hilarious video all around.

Anonymous said...

That's my boy(s)!!! Somehow Trey's hands didn't fit my mower growing up!!