Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Pursuit of Happiness

On the FitMommas blog last week, I wrote about the recent 60 Minutes special on the Key to Happiness.  Apparently, we aren't a very happy people, in spite of being one of the wealthiest nations on earth.

On Wednesday, Oprah had a segment on Freegans - people who live off of free finds, typically made in dumpsters and trash - not because they're poor, but to make a statement about American's extreme consumption, and how we would all lead much more fulfilled, happier lives if we stopped consuming so much.  A quote from the show - the United States is 5% of the world's population, but we consume 30% of it's resources.

And then yesterday, at Costco - quite the establishment of consumption - I saw February's Costco Connection magazine cover was about "The Pursuit of Happiness." 

The Pursuit of Happiness is smacking me over the head!

The magazine cover reminded me of Will Smith's movie, "The Pursuit of Happyness,"  that came out last year and received all sorts of positive reviews and commentary.   I had a problem with it.  Basically, the movie equates Happiness with the acquisition of Money.  While I hardly have a desire to live on the street with my children, I certainly do not need a bigger house, with cooler toys, and designer labels to make me happy.  My husband, son and stepdaughter provide me with all I need in this world.  

I just wish more people would open their eyes to this.  There is a difference between buying what we need and buying what we think will make us happy.  We all want to look like the gorgeous stars on the red carpet, drive the luxury cars with the GPS, and watch a plasma television in every room.  But NONE OF THAT will make you love yourself more or make your husband/wife/lover/desire love you more or make your family love you more.  You won't find the key to happiness in something you buy from a store - a good place to start is inside yourself.

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