Sunday, April 5, 2009

Happy Four Months!

(Coming a day late, as we had too much family fun yesterday to waste in front of the computer!)

Dearest Ryan,
The time is indeed flying, I cannot believe that it has already been four months.  You're getting so big, so fast before my eyes - there's a part of me that can't wait for you to be walking and talking and playing like your big brother, but then I know I will miss this time when it's gone.  You are my last baby and I should savor every moment of you.  

One thing that I've learned this past month is that, if Sean is my Sweet Boy, you are my Smiley Boy!  No one smiles like you, my love!  Every time you see my face, your Daddy, your big brother - you break out that ear-to-ear grin!  You light up rooms with that smile, and it will take you far in life.  It's so warm and welcoming, and people can't help but smile and laugh when they see you.  You radiate love.

You've gotten so strong, holding your head up high with no effort at all any more.  You roll all over the place, and really enjoy being upright to see the world around you.  Your favorite place is still in my arms, so you can examine my face and then turn to see the world from up high.  You love to know what's going on, probably because your big brother is running around at all times - you can't wait to join him!  

I've also noticed that your looks are changing - you no longer look like your Daddy's clone.  You are becoming more of a mix of your mommy and daddy, like your brother is, but with a different look.  You now look more like...Ryan.  You're a little more boy than Sean (as in Sean's prettier than you!), and something tells us that you're going to be bigger than him - I think you're going to be able to take your big brother in no time!

You also have this habit of holding your hands together, as if in prayer!  Or in deep thought, like your plotting your next adventure!  How I wish I could know what you were thinking!

I've also learned that you are a snuggle bunny!  Sean loves to snuggle now, but not when he was itty-bitty like you.  When you're hungry or tired or not feeling well, you will nestle into my chest, resting your head on my shoulder, and just lay there.  Like you know I'm your mommy, and I will make it better soon.  

But what I love most about you is not really you - it's you and your brother together.  That first week home is a distant memory - the one where your brother hated me and wanted you to go back in my tummy!  Sean loves you so much, and you love him just the same.  When he gets eye to eye with you and you beam that gorgeous smile at him, it melts Sean's heart - "Mommy, he's smiling at me!"  

I'm so sorry that this past month was defined by being sick - you made it through winter with no sickies, and then get a double whammy of an ear infection and stomach virus.  But you are finally on the upward swing.  Your ears are still hurting, and last night, you woke up in the middle of the night, fussing.  You're sleeping in your Sissy's room, and after giving you more Tylenol, I brought you into our bed to let you fall back asleep and finish out the night, allowing Isabella to rest.  You laid across my torso, on your tummy, head nestled into my shoulder.  I could hear your breathing, your sighing, your restlessness and then your peace.   I loved every second of it.  

And now, as I type, you are laying next to me, singing and cooing, smiling up at me.  You know that I am your mommy, and that I love with you everything I have.

With all my love forever,

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