Sunday, January 25, 2009

Bestest Gift of Ever

The kids got lots of fun stuff for Christmas, some of which they even still play with.  ;-)  But without a doubt, the coolest gift of the season was a John Deere Gator for Ryan and Sean from The Latta Family - Grammy, Poppa, Nana Roxy, Aunt Mandy & Uncle Nick.  Of course, I think it will be a few years before Ryan gets much use of it, but the boys surely have years of fun ahead of them!  Thank You so much, guys - Sean loves it!

This'll be so cool....Dad....hurry....

My friends and I can't wait to go cruisin'!

I look so cool with my new ride.

Pulling out ever so carefully.

Look at me Go!

I make this look good!

Watch out, I drive crazy!

The roads will never be the same!

1 comment:

jessica said...

If that video is any indication, Sean will be driving like a bat out of hell when he's 16. Too cute!