Friday, June 20, 2008

Is this Kid a dancer?

I haven't mentioned here on the blog, but I've been commenting to a few people, for a few weeks, that I thought I've felt Lil'est One kicking around in there! I didn't feel Sean until 19 weeks, but I know "they" say that you feel the kid sooner in subsequent pregnancies - most likely because you have a better idea of what it feels like. But I've been thinking that I started feeling this kid around 11 weeks or so!

Last week, I asked the ultrasound tech if she thought I could be feeling this baby, and she said that with his position inside, plus I'm so slender (I know, I love her!), it's definitely possible. So maybe I haven't been crazy all these early weeks.

Well, right now I'm sitting here, catching up on a little DVRing, and I Feel Him! No Doubt. I feel the flutters, this is not gas! Maybe it's because I just watched three hours of "So You Think You Can Dance" (in less than an hour!), so Lil'est Man feels he needs to show me some of his moves - not sure.

Because, honestly, at this point, even though I've seen his goods and I know he's in there, I still just look really bloated, I've only gained (maybe) two pounds, and I just don't realize I'm pregnant on so many levels!  With Sean, I was all over it, it was all I thought about, I was obsessed with everything going on inside.  This time, I get it on one level, but I'm so busy taking care of a toddler and running the house, and blah, blah, blah, that I guess it's still just an abstract thought. 

Remind me of this post when I'm FREAKING OUT in November, about to become the mother of two wee little ones who are completely dependent on me.  I'll be so annoyed with myself.


Unknown said...

I felt Logan around around 20 weeks...but Madelyn was 14 weeks and Carson was right about that time too. That is so of my favorites things about being pregnant...I will miss that, but he is such a joy out in the real world too!!

Vicki said...

I definitely felt this one earlier...I think around 13 weeks. That's exciting and assures you things are alright. Also, I'm glad I'm not the only one who watches So You Think You Can Dance!

Anonymous said...

Dancers run in the family ya know.

Love MOM K