Friday, October 31, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Now Zoey waits on the Rainbow Bridge
I'm just so deeply sad to report that we've lost another doggie family member this month. My doggie step sister, Sage, died just a few weeks ago, and now our doggie niece Zoey has passed onto the Rainbow Bridge as well. While Sage lived a full life of 13 years, Zoey was only 5 1/2 years old, succumbing to cancer this morning - a shock to everyone.
Mandy & Nick, we love you and send out lots of prayers and support right now.
Miss Zoey B, we will miss you - even your cousin, Sophie - and are so grateful you are no longer suffering.

Zoey B & her little sis, Baby Addie
UPDATE: Here is Mandy's beautiful eulogy to Zoey B, with some great doggie photos. No doubt she was a joy to have in their lives!
Baby Addison's Baptism
Last weekend, Trey and Isabella flew up to Chicago to be with the Latta family for Addison's baptism. Sean and I stayed home, as I, unfortunately, can't handle 5+ hour car ride at this point.
The Latta Family

Congratulations, Baby Addison! Cousin Sean and Aunt Amy MISS YOU and LOVE YOU so much!
Chubby-cheeked Baby Addie
Baby Addie and her Uncle Trey
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Pumpkin Farm #2!
After Saturday, you'd think we'd stay home and rest on Sunday. No. Not us. On Sunday, Grammy made us breakfast, and then we got ready for our yearly family trip to the pumpkin farm. Unfortunately, as I mentioned, Isabella opted to not come these past two weekends, and she and Trey are in Chicago this weekend. So we won't have her again until Halloween weekend, and by then it will be too late for our family pumpkin patch visit. So this weekend it was, given the warm weather! We missed you, Isabella!

And while I say "warm weather," let's be clear - it was Friggin' Hot! I would have been more comfortable naked, but am pretty sure it might have made others uncomfortable. We headed to Thies' Farm in Maryland Heights - our new favorite place, after years of going to Rombach's. We visited the petting zoo, ran into a friend of Trey's, got a cool beverage and a snack at concessions. Then we headed into the play area, and the man was nice enough to not charge for Sean. First up was the big slide, which Trey and Sean rode together last year. Which is what I was expecting when I was standing at the end, ready to take a picture.
Instead, Sean came shooting down by himself!
I wonder if he's having a good time?

Just to be sure, I blew the photo up - and yes, it appears that Trey did in fact throw Sean under the bus here - er, I mean down the slide!
Doesn't that kid look happy?
Ah, this is more Sean's style - having Dad push him around the farm on a mini-John Deere!
Grammy & Sean aboard the pirate ship!
How Tall This Fall?
Hard to tell with that mop o' curls on top!
We also climbed around on some pumpkins, rode the hayride wagon around the farm. Which threw something out in my lower back, and I creaked around until my chiropractor appointment Monday morning! The pictures from the hayride are...well, not good, so you'll just have to pretend you were there! But we had a great time, and then scooted out of there for a Sunday drive. We drove up through the farms on the way to Trey's work, off of Hwy 94, north of Boschertown. We supported the local mom and pops and picked up some pumpkins and hay for the front porch.
But we didn't rest when we got home! We decorated the porch, packed Grammy up and Grandma and Papa Z showed up! I was a smart cookie and threw some sirloin in the crock pot that morning, and we had a great dinner and visit that evening.
And then we crashed!
Trey, Sean & Amy
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Happy Birthday, Melissa!
A belated Happy Birthday to my dear, dear friend Melissa - who celebrated 36 years on Saturday! WooHoo! Originally, we had to turn down the invite to go out with the Schneid's because we were supposed to have Isabella this weekend. But Isabella opted to spend the weekend up in Hannibal, so Grammy drove down to get some Sean-time in, and let us go out for the evening.

We had an absolute blast! I was already tired from the Backyardigans excursion with Sean that morning, and didn't get the nap in that afternoon that I probably needed. Oh well, I pushed on through 'till 2am! We picked up Andy & Melissa and headed to Roberto's in South County - a very unassuming strip mall restaurant from the outside. But we indulged in amazing Italian cuisine, a fine bottle of wine, and then each ordered a dessert to share. Trey and I dropped all the remaining profits from our garage sale, but it was well worth it for a once or twice a year dinner with best friends. I had a Filet/Shrimp duo that was divine, and while I enjoyed my chocolate avalanche, Andy's homemade cannoli was the best I've ever tasted!
Afterwards, we followed Trey's suggestion to Novak's - an unlikely destination for two 30-something married couples. Novak's is a lesbian-friendly bar down in a revitalized part of the city - only five or so minutes from our old apartment, but a million miles away from our current home in St. Peters! They have a drag show every Saturday night, plus a DJ afterwards - and we loved every bit of it!
First off, I can honestly say I don't ever remember seeing pregnant women out back in my dancing, bar-hopping days. So I don't know if the stares were more for being cute or for being pregnant! And you can really get through a crowd of people in front of the restroom when you're pregnant! Novak's has one of the most diverse crowds I have ever seen - lesbians, gays, straight couples, black, white and everything in between - the people watching was some of the best I've experienced in this rather normal Midwestern city. Even if we were in the minority, we never felt uncomfortable or unwanted - we danced our butts off, drank (Sprite and water for me!), and chilled out on the outdoor patio as needed. One of the "bouncers" - a could-hardly-have-been-old-enough-to-be-there girl guarding the exit off the dance floor - rubbed on my belly, excited for me, though apparently unimpressed with the name Ryan. And Trey acknowledged the multiple men sizing him up (I mean, he is too cute for words!), but shook his tokous anyway!
So I can't recommend Roberto's or Novak's enough! I should have probably taken photos at the beginning of the night, rather than at the end - after we've been sweating and dancing for couple of hours...
Andy & Melissa - the birthday girl
My too-cute hubby and the Big Preggo
Monday, October 13, 2008
Your Backyard Friends.....
We had a slammin' busy weekend, but at least it was fun-busy, as opposed to the drowning-busy I've been experiencing these past two weeks. It may take me all week to chronicle all we did, but at least we had a blast! First off......

Then we got to watch the show - which I don't have photos of, as no cameras are allowed. Here are some promotional stills.

Saturday morning, Sean and I followed up our Go Diego Go experience with something much more enticing for Sean - The Backyardigans Live at The Fabulous Fox! I had four tickets to the Meet & Greet, plus VIP seats, thanks to my awesome, awesome friend, Melonie, and her girlfriend, Cindy, who contract with the touring company that puts on the Nickelodeon Shows. Last time, Sean got to meet and visit with Aunt Melly and Aunt Cindy; unfortunately, they were not here this weekend.
I brought along my friend, Amy, and her little Backyardigan fanatic, Gracie, arriving at the Fox around 9:45. We waited around for a bit before being led down through the bowels of the Fox to their Meet & Greet room. Sean was excited, and kept asking where Pablo was. And then Austin and Tyrone walked in! Each family went up one at a time to get their photos taken, but all Sean cared about was where was Pablo! So I told him when we got to meet Tyrone, he could ask him - given that they're best friends and all!
Well, Sean wasn't asking anyone anything when we walked up to the front, and I was pretty sure he was going to rip my flesh off before this thing was over. He was petrified. Beyond belief. I have to admit, for kids who have only seen the cartoon, with their cute little faces, I'm sure seeing a real, human face in the costumes - standing right in front of you - was scary. Plus, Tyrone was freakishly short next to Austin. I was a little weirded out....
Tyrone, Austin, petrified toddler, me
We got Tyrone & Austin's autograph on our shield!
Then we headed back up to the lobby, grabbed a snack and hit the Merch stand. Once again, thanks to Aunt Cindy being a Merch manager, we got to shop for free! Within reason, of course! I got both kids a t-shirt and glowing wand, and added a lunch bag and straw for Sean. (Hey, we have a lunch bag for Parents Day Out now!) I really, really wanted each of the Backyardigans dolls, but decided that was going a bit overboard, especially when Cindy wasn't even there!
Gracie & Sean sitting in their seats.
I think that's supposed to be a smile on Sean's face!
My big cheeser, so excited for the show to start!

But now I have to be honest - the show, the production itself, wasn't really that good. I'm glad I didn't drop the big bucks for the tickets and merch - the Diego show was ten times better. The songs fell flat, the set design was ho-hum, and the actors were mixed. While Tasha was dead on and phenomenal (and everyone else was pretty good), Pablo was terrible. He sounded and acted nothing like Pablo - a deep, pompous voice? Has this actor seen the episode the show was based on? (Because I've seen it a few dozen times!) And did anyone from Nickelodeon watch this before they sent the production out on tour? Two other parents in the audience were saying the same thing during intermission, so I know I wasn't the only one who felt this way.
Of course, in the end, all that matters is that Sean had a blast, and he's still talking about it today, Monday. And he keeps singing "We're knights, that's right!" all around the house. Happy kid!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Sage - Now waiting on the Rainbow Bridge
I'm very sad this morning to post that Mom and Jay's dog, Sage, passed away last night - peacefully, at home, in Mom and Jay's arms. She was a gentle old girl, and an incredibly loyal companion to Jay for over 10 years.

Jessica & Sage in April of this year.
Say "Hi" to Willie for us, sweet girl. He's waiting on the Rainbow Bridge, with all our other long-passed puppy loves.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Sean the Big School Boy!
Sean started Parents Day Out at First Baptist of Harvester a month ago - and he loves it! Some churches call it Moms Day Out - PDO or MDO, doesn't matter, it means a break for Momma and fun for Sean! Miss Anita and Miss Jamie have scheduled play, craft and reading times every day, then they eat lunch and take a nap. And Sean actually does these things no problem at school. Not sure why getting him to nap at home is so hard...
Momma packs a lunch and backpack for Sean each Wednesday - the backpack has a change of clothes, some dipes & wipes, and of course, Sleepy Bear and Blankie for naptime. And of course he has to carry it on his back like a big boy! Momma hasn't invested in a lunch box yet, so I carry his PBJ, dried fruit snacks, apple sauce or yogurt and cup of milk in a Ziploc bag for him. He's not old enough to think any less of me at this point!
Anyway, here's my proud little guy on the way into PDO yesterday!
Sean posing outside before we head in to his classroom.
Showing off his Pooh backpack, with Sleepy Bear literally hanging out!
Walking proudly down the hall to his classroom.
Sean outside his classroom, where I sign him in.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Morning at Daniel's Farm
Despite damp, rainy weather, Sean and I headed out to Daniel's Farm with our MOPS group yesterday. Lots of pumpkins, hay, farm animals, corn mazes and such. We had a lot of fun with checking out all the sites (and smells), and even got to bring home a Sean-sized pumpkin! (Which you'll have to envision in your mind.) I'm sure we'll hit at least one other pumpkin farm (or two or three) before the season's over, but I don't think Sean will mind - he had a blast!

The cutest kid at the farm.
Sean showing off his way-cool new shoes.
Sean & Momma
(I know I'm not fat - I'm actually wearing non-maternity clothes here.
But I'm not looking slim and trim in this photo!)
Sean nabs a photo (or 30) of Momma!
I'll have to do a post of just his amazing photography!
Sean didn't so much care for the horsey-swings.
But he loved visiting all the animals!
Sean voluntarily pets the goat! No prompting from Momma!
Posin' next to the miniature horse - or maybe it was the pony, who knows.
There were four creatures that all looked alike to Momma!
Checkin' out the Baas, aka Sheep!
Sean was enamored by the tub o' swimming gold fish. Who knew.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
The Reality Checks just keep comin'
So this week hasn't necessarily been any easier than last, the stress just shifted. First off, Sean is on a new sleeping schedule that he neglected to clear with Momma. For the past SIX mornings, he is waking up between 5-6am - screaming for his Mommy, and only finding solace when brought back to bed with me and Trey. (I suspect incoming molars are to blame, but it is wearing me down nonetheless.)
Last night was even tougher, as I was up half the night with severe hip pain, plus a bit of heartburn thrown in. I had just fallen back to sleep when Sean hollered for his Momma at 4:45am. Trey continues to work lots of overtime, and I have had to pull back a bit on the two home businesses - there's only one of Momma, and my sanity and health is more important than anything! The house is a bit of a mess, but the mess isn't going anywhere - it'll get done when I get to it!
And then yesterday, I received such upsetting news about a friend. I have been friends with Karen for two years, through PALS (a Parents as Teachers program that groups people together with kids of the same age) and MOPS. Obviously, Karen and I have one child that are the same age, and we both got pregnant this year, her little one due mid-October. There were signs of chromosomal issues during her pregnancy, but she and her husband opted not to do an amnio so as not to risk miscarriage.
Baby Evan was born on Saturday, showing signs of Trisomy 18 - this is the one that strikes fear in Momma's hearts, as they say it is "not compatible with life." His test results came back yesterday as a specific form of Trisomy 18 called mosaic trisomy - meaning 50% of his cells are normal as compared to a full trisomy 18 baby. It also means that he is so incredibly rare, that there are no statistics on what this means for Baby Evan. They are now faced with many meetings, decisions, and ups and down above and beyond what we parents already have to deal with.
So while yesterday I was pulling my hair out as my two year old exerted his ever-increasing independence; as I fretted over the new 5am wake-ups and if I'm creating a monster by bringing him to bed with me so I can get more sleep; as I wished my two year old would not be so helpful, because his version of help often causes more work for me....
I also realize that my son is so incredibly precious, his health is not to be taken for granted, and I can only hope that my second son is equally healthy and amazing! How many different ways can I be shown that this is my life - with its daily ups and downs - to live and cherish. No matter what.
So let me share with you some amazing, fun and good things that I have happened this week - because I need to remember them myself!
- Sean called his baby brother "Ry-Ry" for the first time!
- Just yesterday, Sean added "You're welcome," "Kleenex," and "OfficeMax" to his vocabulary (that last one is thanks to my new Pampered Chef discount there, and the fact I find something else I need about once every three days!).
- Sean pretty much speaks full sentences in real English all the time - but Momma the Translator is still learning what it all means.
- Sean loves to tell you that Ryan is eating whatever Momma just ate - "He eat chick!"
- Sean loves to sing songs that he makes up at the top of his lungs - unfortunately, he turns it off as soon as I pull the camera out. I will get that on video! (Right now, he's singing about eating mommy's chocolate chips!)
- I am now pre-registered at St. Luke's for Ryan's birth - which is sometime in the next nine weeks! I even signed up for a breastfeeding class, which I opted out of last time.
- My doctor and I discussed again my desires for a natural birth, and she comforted and reassured me that she had my back 110% - so I am full swing in training for Ryan's birth.
- I met my 30 day goal with Pampered Chef and am now a qualified consultant - I get to launch my website today! Yay! Plus, I get half my money back, a bunch of free product, not to mention the commission on what I did sell. (So while I may not be going as gung ho as originally planned, I'm still moving forward and doing well.)
- I have successfully filled and received payment for four photo card orders this past week - even if it did take staying up until 1am a few nights in a row.
- I have amazing friends who have managed to call on me just when I need it (because I'm usually too stubborn to reach out!) - you know who you are and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your love.
So please say a prayer for Baby Evan today. And give your kids an extra squeeze, especially if they are driving you absolutely bonkers!
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Friday, October 3, 2008
Week 30 - Reflections on an Insane Week
This is the 30 week mark, the home stretch. In two months, I have a new kid in my arms! WooHoo!

This was also quite possibly one of the most insanely busy, crazy weeks I have had in a long time, and yes, I'm considering just a few weeks ago when Sean was sick. If everything could converge on one week - this was it! I keep wondering if I should continue to pray for patience and strength, because I believe that's why I keep having to deal with extreme situations that require insane amounts of patience and strength!
Monday was Doctor day - Chiropractor in the AM, OB in the PM. Dr. Quinn, my Chiro, was a Godsend, as always, and when I went over the extreme pain I was having, after he chastized me for not coming in the week before, we agreed that it was time to do down to once a week adjustments. I should not have to endure that pain, get my butt in here was the general consensus. He felt that I was already doing everything that I could to help alleviate the discomfort, but was happy that I was going to see my OB later on to get her opinion.
(Today is massage day with Annie - YAY!)
Fast forward to that afternoon....Guess What? I'm doing everything right! Dr. Matuszek suggested yoga, a chiropractor, massage, stretching. All the things I'm already doing! She said that with the pronounced sway in my back, I was just one of those lucky women who endure back and hip issues during pregnancy - it has nothing to do with my weight, it's just me. She conceded that relief would most likely come with delivery. So Bring It On!
In other news, Ryan and I are perfectly healthy, I've gained about 15 pounds, everything is measuring good, blood pressure is outstanding, etc. We're now down to every two weeks for visits, and at week 34, we get my last glimpse of Ryan before he's born.

Week 30 Belly Shot - in stripes!

Week 30 - Naked Belly Shot
The rest of the week defies sanity - and sleep. For starters, I can count on one hand how many days Trey has worked overtime this year, until the past two weeks - he's now working more hours than we can count. I started my Photo Card business at the beginning of the year, have only had one paying customer and a handful of personal jobs here and there - and yet six new orders came in the past week! (Gargantuan thanks to my sister-in-law, Mandy, who's recent birth announcements sparked at least three of those orders!) Oh, and that little Pampered Chef business I just started a month ago. So I've been a single parent, running two at-home businesses, still trying to feed and clean my family and get enough rest to build that baby. Yes, something will have to give. Still trying to figure out what that is.
In the meantime, after a few months this summer of not making ends meet, and having to dip into savings to pay bills, we are blessed with extra income to make up for that and get ready for baby coming. Trey and I just have to figure out the balance between home, work, family and us.
Balance. That is my theme for 2008.
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