Sean started Parents Day Out at First Baptist of Harvester a month ago - and he loves it! Some churches call it Moms Day Out - PDO or MDO, doesn't matter, it means a break for Momma and fun for Sean! Miss Anita and Miss Jamie have scheduled play, craft and reading times every day, then they eat lunch and take a nap. And Sean actually does these things no problem at school. Not sure why getting him to nap at home is so hard...
Momma packs a lunch and backpack for Sean each Wednesday - the backpack has a change of clothes, some dipes & wipes, and of course, Sleepy Bear and Blankie for naptime. And of course he has to carry it on his back like a big boy! Momma hasn't invested in a lunch box yet, so I carry his PBJ, dried fruit snacks, apple sauce or yogurt and cup of milk in a Ziploc bag for him. He's not old enough to think any less of me at this point!
Anyway, here's my proud little guy on the way into PDO yesterday!
Sean posing outside before we head in to his classroom.
Showing off his Pooh backpack, with Sleepy Bear literally hanging out!
Walking proudly down the hall to his classroom.
Sean outside his classroom, where I sign him in.
Sounds glorious! I REALLY need to look into a MDO program--maybe after I make it through the holidays.
Like the new look too!
I'm so incredibly proud of him. Too cute!
He looks so much like Trey in that first pic!
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