Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Most everyone is aware that Sean has a few girlfriends, none more so than Emma - the older woman, the 5 1/2 year old living across the street. I can't tell you how many Playgroup girls adore him. And now his brother seems destined to follow in his footsteps.

World, meet Amerra, Emma's little sister, and four months older than Ryan. And from these photos, I think it's safe to say that Ryan has met his match as far as girls who like to get a lil' dirty! Yes, they are playing in the street. Splashing in the water run-off from Gary & Sheryl's house down the street. They were having a blast!

Ann - Emma and Amerra's mom (and my hairstylist!) - and I have already been discussing the need for vigilance where these kids are involved. Pretty sure the Latta boys and Blake girls could get into a wee bit of trouble together!


Mandy said...

He looks more like Sean in these pics!

Raines Inc said...

hey wait dont cheat on Cecelia ryan!!!! LOL

Grammy said...

Watch those Latta boys--they're pretty smooth! Love you.

Amy @ FitMommas said...

Mandy, I just finished feeding him, and he was totally channeling Sean! So weird how they can look so alike and then not at all.

Ana, I'm pretty sure both my boys will enjoy more than one lady on their arms. =)