Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Live....from Camdenton, MO.....

Technically, I'm live from the McDonald's on Hwy 54 in Camdenton, MO, but who's checking?  Just a quick note to say that we're on vacation down at Lake of the Ozarks, and I have no internet connection...unless I pay McD's $2.95 to do so!  So when I'm back, I promise...

Week 20 ultrasound pics...
Week 23 Belly Pics...
Vacation photos...
And all the other photos and videos I have yet to get up.

Either way, Trey and I can't think of a better way to spend 97 degree days than chillin' on the dock next to the lake with our good friends Andy and Melissa.  Oh yeah, and all the kids, too!  

Hope you all are having a great week!  :-)


Katie aka the suburban SAHM said...

I spent my high school years at that McD's!! I will have to share stories while camping of my life in Camdenton :O Plus not to mention my Grandma is there daily still. They must have come along way to have wireless. LOL

Not to mention you should be on vaca and not worrying about all of this. ;)

Amber said...

We were just there this past weekend! Enjoy your vacation!