It's a little after 10am, I was trying to get myself and Sean together so that we could go play at our friend Ana's house. Sean was being a pistol, but he's two and that's become the norm. I got him down on the floor, stripped his PJ bottoms and diaper off when he decided to get up and run around naked. Really, he's cute as hell naked, so I was trying not to laugh, but wanting to get going. This went on for a bit, me negotiating for him to get his diaper, but not wanting to start a chasing game, something that he Loves!
So I'm on his bedroom floor, quietly negotiating, praying he wouldn't pee on the carpet. He managed to wedge himself behind his rocking chair, along his crib where his most-read books hang out. And I hear him start to whine. That whine I hear when he gets a blade of grass in his shoe or something like that. But this was no blade of grass.
The kid crapped on the floor. Repeat - Shit On The Carpet! Running down his legs, on his blankie, his favorite book and the carpet. He wasn't the only one whining! Ugh, Gross, No! Gag reflex kicks in, there's shit on the floor, my kid's quietly freaking out!
I pick him up and carry him at arms length to the tub, and start rinsing off the poop. At this point, Sean's outright crying, and there's crap floating in water, running down the drain, and I'm wishing that I was anywhere doing anything with anyone else at that moment! But I get all the poop off, and Sean immediately recovers, and starts telling me the story of what just happened, in his own indicipherable words.
I then have to go back in his bedroom and cope with the mess in there. Luckily, the book and blankie caught most of it, so it wasn't as terrible to clean up as I initially thought. Still have some work to do on the carpet, but it should come up. Blankie's in the wash, and the book? Well, anyone have an extra copy of Happy Baby Things That Go? Cuz we need a new one!
Really, at first, I thought this was the grossest thing I've experienced with Sean. Then I remembered the time he pissed in my mouth while changing his diaper. Oh, and the time he pooped in my hand when I was trying to take his temp. Forgot about that one.
This is Motherhood. In all it's raw, ugly, grossness. Good thing we love them so much!
I was really feeling sorry for you, until the read the he "pissed in my mouth while changing his diaper" line and then I laughed so hard that water came out of my nose!
How gross! Adam has only pooped in the bathtub one time. That's my worst story! Hope it wasn't too hard to clean up, being preggers!
Only a mother would understand!
This is so funny...sorry to laugh but I had something similar occur yesterday.....gross!!!
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