Thursday, June 5, 2008

If it's not one kid....

Sean returned to normal yesterday, and I have my sweet little boy back.  It's the other kid that's causing problems again!  I found myself back at the OB yesterday morning.  I've continued to have spotting every since it first came up, with typically a week or week and a half break between episodes.  I've had no reason to be concerned, because the doc said to call only if one of two changes should occur.  Well, that happened yesterday - bright red bleeding.  Yikes!

They got me in immediately, and for the first time, I just had a regular exam.  They pulled out the hand-held doplar, and really frickin' cold belly gel, and searched for the baby's heart beat.  This was the only time I felt nervous all day, because it took a good minute for Julie to find the baby, and I was slowly panicking with each passing second!  But at last, she found it, and it was beautiful - fast and strong!  High 150s!  So the Baby is Fine!  Then we went to the fun pelvic exam, and unfortunately, had to schedule me for an official ultrasound on Monday afternoon.  

Long story short, they need to see if I have placenta previa - a common-enough complication that usually resolves itself by the end of the pregnancy.  Honestly, I'm not worried, I just wanted to know that the baby was OK.  And I think Mom will get to come with me to this ultrasound, which is exciting since I've been going to all these appointments by myself.  I'll be 14 weeks, so it's possible (especially if it's a boy!) to find out what we're having!  I'll try not to be disappointed if we don't find out, as the point of the ultrasound is to find out if there's any complication, not to find out if it's a boy or girl.  But it could be an added bonus!

So, while deep in my heart and gut, I'm not worried and know that our baby is fine, some extra thoughts and prayers are always appreciated just to make sure that if there is any complication, it's a minor one that will mean nothing more than a bit more rest for Momma.


Mandy said...

I'm sure everything is fine, I'll keep thinking about you guys. More proof that it's a Latta GIRL if you ask me. Drama, drama, drama!

Angie said...

I hope that everything is o.k and will be thinking of you! I really hope you do find out what you are having. You know with Keegan we found out at 11 weeks he was a boy!! Let me just say Daddy was proud! ;)
He was their earliest gender finding on ultrasound the office has had! Jason wanted to frame that ultrasound.
I will be thinking about you!

Unknown said...

Thoughts and prayers coming your way. We found out early with Carson...well Julie made a guess, so if she is doing your u/s she will make a guess I am sure...LOL