Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sharp Dressed Man

There are more Christmas postings coming, but I thought we'd take a break and put up some photos of Ryan from the past couple weeks.  I've been trying to get photos of Ryan in his newborn outfits before he outgrows them.  Not always an easy task, as I don't always get the photo when I first put on the clothes (he's crying, or Sean needs me, or the dog wants out...).  And then he'll get a little spitty on it, or overrun his diaper.  Really, he's no where near as messy as Sean, who was spit up and had explosive poos daily!'s a few photos of my Piglet in some of his new clothes!

There's a sweat shirt that goes with these pants, but he spit on it as soon as I put it on, and after just one wearing - already outgrown it!
Who knew they made little pants so small!

In one of his many sleep sacks - so cute!

A little Winnie The Pooh ensemble

He's a little bit Rock N' Roll 
(This was his New Year's outfit, not that he was awake to get any photos!)

I LOVE this little kimono-styled sleeper from Aunt Mel and Aunt Cindy!  

A little puppy dog ensemble - complete with puppy dog socks!

Love my little guy!


Raines Inc said...

got to love all the cute newborn stuff!!! And they out grow them so fast

jodi said...

I still can't believe how much he looks like Sean!