Peace And Prosperity are the two words that have stuck in my head today. Internal peace, world peace. Prosperity, not only in finances, but in your relationships. Those two words really say a lot, and I wish for both of them to all my friends and family this upcoming year.
But what I really would like to say was actually said much better by a friend of my husband. Travis is a friend of Trey's from grade school, and he also has a blog that is a really great read, though I rarely make it over to his site to do so. This week, Travis lost his mom to a long battle with lung cancer, and his post to her was so amazing and filled with love. But it was his post today, on New Year's Day, that I wish I had written myself. His post today was about starting fresh, how we get to reset the clock every year. He also wrote about characters, and how we get to define the type of people we want to be. Everything that Travis wrote about who he'd like to be - I felt that he was speaking for me. We set such high standards for ourselves, yet rarely live up to them. At the same time, we expect our loved ones to live up to the same high standards, and there's nothing worse than the feeling of being judged for not living the perfect life.
But I feel that what Travis wrote is something we can all aspire to be - generous, funny, lighthearted, loving, forgiving. These are simple things, and yet we so frequently fail to live life in these manners. So thank you, Travis, for putting into words what I cannot right now. (I know, sleep will be mine again soon!) I will work very hard every single day to be these things for my husband, children, family and friends. And I will start today, right now, even at 10pm at night.
So I will sign off now, go tell my husband how much I love him, and snuggle until we both pass out (about five minutes!).
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