Last night was even tougher, as I was up half the night with severe hip pain, plus a bit of heartburn thrown in. I had just fallen back to sleep when Sean hollered for his Momma at 4:45am. Trey continues to work lots of overtime, and I have had to pull back a bit on the two home businesses - there's only one of Momma, and my sanity and health is more important than anything! The house is a bit of a mess, but the mess isn't going anywhere - it'll get done when I get to it!
And then yesterday, I received such upsetting news about a friend. I have been friends with Karen for two years, through PALS (a Parents as Teachers program that groups people together with kids of the same age) and MOPS. Obviously, Karen and I have one child that are the same age, and we both got pregnant this year, her little one due mid-October. There were signs of chromosomal issues during her pregnancy, but she and her husband opted not to do an amnio so as not to risk miscarriage.
Baby Evan was born on Saturday, showing signs of Trisomy 18 - this is the one that strikes fear in Momma's hearts, as they say it is "not compatible with life." His test results came back yesterday as a specific form of Trisomy 18 called mosaic trisomy - meaning 50% of his cells are normal as compared to a full trisomy 18 baby. It also means that he is so incredibly rare, that there are no statistics on what this means for Baby Evan. They are now faced with many meetings, decisions, and ups and down above and beyond what we parents already have to deal with.
So while yesterday I was pulling my hair out as my two year old exerted his ever-increasing independence; as I fretted over the new 5am wake-ups and if I'm creating a monster by bringing him to bed with me so I can get more sleep; as I wished my two year old would not be so helpful, because his version of help often causes more work for me....
I also realize that my son is so incredibly precious, his health is not to be taken for granted, and I can only hope that my second son is equally healthy and amazing! How many different ways can I be shown that this is my life - with its daily ups and downs - to live and cherish. No matter what.
So let me share with you some amazing, fun and good things that I have happened this week - because I need to remember them myself!
- Sean called his baby brother "Ry-Ry" for the first time!
- Just yesterday, Sean added "You're welcome," "Kleenex," and "OfficeMax" to his vocabulary (that last one is thanks to my new Pampered Chef discount there, and the fact I find something else I need about once every three days!).
- Sean pretty much speaks full sentences in real English all the time - but Momma the Translator is still learning what it all means.
- Sean loves to tell you that Ryan is eating whatever Momma just ate - "He eat chick!"
- Sean loves to sing songs that he makes up at the top of his lungs - unfortunately, he turns it off as soon as I pull the camera out. I will get that on video! (Right now, he's singing about eating mommy's chocolate chips!)
- I am now pre-registered at St. Luke's for Ryan's birth - which is sometime in the next nine weeks! I even signed up for a breastfeeding class, which I opted out of last time.
- My doctor and I discussed again my desires for a natural birth, and she comforted and reassured me that she had my back 110% - so I am full swing in training for Ryan's birth.
- I met my 30 day goal with Pampered Chef and am now a qualified consultant - I get to launch my website today! Yay! Plus, I get half my money back, a bunch of free product, not to mention the commission on what I did sell. (So while I may not be going as gung ho as originally planned, I'm still moving forward and doing well.)
- I have successfully filled and received payment for four photo card orders this past week - even if it did take staying up until 1am a few nights in a row.
- I have amazing friends who have managed to call on me just when I need it (because I'm usually too stubborn to reach out!) - you know who you are and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your love.
So please say a prayer for Baby Evan today. And give your kids an extra squeeze, especially if they are driving you absolutely bonkers!
Our son is mosaic Trisomy18 and he will soon be three years old. We will be praying for your friends!
Baby Evan and his family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Pat Ward's son and wife had a Trisomy13 daughter who was still born. I had never heard of this until then and thank God it never happened in my family. Pat's son and wife have a one year old son who is just fine.
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