Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Oh, Posts, Where Art Thou

Just a disclaimer that I have been working on the Thanksgiving post since Friday and still can't get through it.  Jeez!  I believe Ryan is cutting more teeth, and it was only yesterday that my dear friend Anastasia reminded me of the glory that is Teething Tablets.  Now to just catch up on the sleep that this little cold is stealing from me.  At least the cold was polite enough to hit Sunday morning, after most of the festivities.

So....be on the lookout for...
Giving Thanks
Mini-Birthday Celebration
Big Birthday Celebration

And because I know that no one really cares about the words on this blog, here's a picture of cutie patootie Ryan devouring a banana.

More of a Monkey every single day!


Grammy said...

My cute little monkey!! What a cutie!!

Mandy said...

OMG, that's totally an Addison face. Love it.