Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Eleven Months

Dearest Ryan,

So, why, after so many months of nothing, would Momma take time out to write you a note?  Because I am stunned.  Stunned at you, at how big you are, and at the fact that your first birthday is staring me in the face.  Has it really gone this fast?

You know how to pose for a picture, you walk across the house - from your room to the kitchen - all by yourself, you're saying more words everyday, you're playing ball with Daddy, you're dancing when Momma starts to sing.

Just yesterday, you went through the kids' bag of Halloween Loot, found the blue sucker you wanted, pulled off the paper, and starting eating it.  All By Yourself.  I was too tickled to be remotely mad at you.  And you knew you were hot Sugar Honey Ice Tea.

You have a smile that just lights up the room - from the moment you started smiling all those months ago, it is your guaranteed spell to cast on your Momma.

You are Yin & Yang, you are Baby Taz, you are hysterically funny with a wicked sense of humor, you light up a room, you are my Big Lover, you are Momma's Piglet.

One month from today, my little one.  Your year will be celebrated, because everything about you is worth celebrating.  I love you so very much.

Love forever and always,

1 comment:

Grammy said...

What a doll!! He's growing up sooooooo fast!