Thursday, October 15, 2009

Can we call it?

With Sean, it was clear. He did not walk for 17 months, and then one day, he literally stood up and walked. Not much grey area. Of course, if I've learned anything from birthing a second child, it's that you can expect something completely different than your first one.

So is Ryan walking? I don't know, you tell me! For the past few weeks, it's been two to three steps. This week, he's been walking up to six or seven feet - literally from one room to the next. But he still prefers crawling, and falls more than he actually walks. As a first time mom, I'd probably call it, but with Sean as my first example, I'm scratching my head!

So with a questionable tone in my voice, I probably announce that Ryan is Walking, as of the week of October 11th! (Hey, that's Mel-O's birthday!!) Personally, I love it when they walk and are mobile. Ryan is much more easily entertained, and in the meantime, I'm learning all the things a crazy child can get into that Sean never taught me! Let's just hope I don't have to invest in one of those baby leashes.

This may be the most annoying video I've ever made. Apologies in advance, but I was De-Ter-Mined to get Piglet walking on video! May I suggest watching with no sound?


Grammy said...

Looks like I need to nail everything in the house down!!!
He's a mover and a shaker!

Raines Inc said...

love love this! it also shows the trueness of your house and being a stay at home mom!!!!

ckeen said...

I don't know. I kinda was amused by having the sound on! Sounds terribly familiar.... What a sweetie Amy!