Friday, September 11, 2009

Who is this Little Man in my house?

While I've been non-blogging, my baby is growing up. Fast! I'm referring to my first born, Mr. Sean. AKA Lil' Boo. AKA Little Man.

Sean is growing like CRAZY! He is as tall as my hips, talks like a little boy rather than a baby, tells jokes (badly). He knows all his colors, shapes, most of his letters, can spell his name, and is getting better at his numbers. He asks a million and one questions a day (OK, I actually hate this, but I know it's a good thing.) And my favorite, dances like a madman! He's seen a few episodes of So You Think You Can Dance. And he thinks he can! (And, um, he actually can!)

Flyboy Sean, mid-back spin. He's got some mad dance skillz!

Oh, and we're peeing on the potty. =)

Yessirree, a week after I decided to stop talking about it, and give it a rest for a month, Sean decided he wanted to be a big boy and he *stands* and pees in the potty, just like Dad does. Not to sound perverted, but it's the cutest thing I've ever seen.

Now, the #2 duty is nowhere on the horizon, and I'm hoping he figures that out by the time he moves out of the house. So he still wants to wear diapers, not big boy underwear or even Pull Ups. He's had few accidents, and most of those were out of indifference. I don't love this trait in my son, something that he's shown ever since he was a baby. Remember how he didn't walk until 17 months? It wasn't because he couldn't do it. It was because he was like "Meh. I'll do later." So we still have a long road to go before he's 100% potty trained, but at least I know we're on the road!

And I cannot tell you enough. I have a gorgeous son. I mean, he's just flat out beautiful. I know I'm his mom, but seriously, he is going to be that little boy that all the girls are googoo-gaga over. I'm so in trouble.

Pretty boy, with his big, brown eyes. And goofy grin.

In the meantime, Sean's adjusting to sharing a room with his brother. They're doing great, though Sean's waking up a good hour and a half before he used to, and not making up for that with an afternoon nap. (Lots and lots of whiny, cranky 3 year old this past week. Ick.) And I've tried to let him sleep in, and just get Ryan up, but this picture shows what I am now walking into at the crack of dawn.

My boys. Two peas in a pod.

Needless to say, these boys love each other to death, and Sean is just the *best* big brother. Until he rams Ryan over at full speed. Or my favorite - he knocks him down, Ryan starts crying and Sean starts shushing him to be quiet so Momma won't come in. I know eventually I will have to pad all the walls like an asylum and replace all my household goods with rubber and plastic. But at least my boys will be close!


jessica said...

When did he stop being a baby and start being a little person? How dare he grow up!

Mandy said...

Love those gorgeous eyes!!!