Friday, September 11, 2009

Follow that Baby!

The last of the Latta childrens would be Ryan. Or Piglet. Or Baby Taz. Named so because that kid leaves a path of destruction wherever his wee little hands and knees take him. Ryan is the kid that Sean was not. He's showing me how not-child proofed my home is, he's into everything, tearing up all that gets in his way, as he squeals and screams with glee. He's a Freak.

Luckily, he's a cute freak. That's what God does to keep you from killing your own young. While he still looks bald from far away, when you get close, you realize he has quite the head of blond hair. And it's starting to curl up, and totally reminds me of the baby from Hi & Lois. (What was that kid's name?!)

Hi & Lois baby

He has the most stunning blue eyes. Great, another gorgeous kid, this one a blue-eyed blond stud. Did I mention I was in trouble? He's a charmer, too. Smiley, happy, gregarious, full of zest and life, curious and mischievous. And then he'll hit the proverbial wall, his head spins around and pea soup shoots out. Yeah, he's *that* kid. Charms the pants off ya, and then flips out and you have no clue what hit you.

Happy baby, doing what he loves best. Eating.

And he is SO living up to his Piglet nickname. Ryan does NOT stop eating! And, per his 9 month check up last week, he's only 25th percentile for weight! Of course, being a Latta, he's 87th percentile for height, and is wearing the size 12 months clothes that Sean wore the summer after he turned one. But he's constantly filling up those hollow legs. He still drinks 4-6 bottles per day, plus is on almost all table food, eating anything I put in front of him. We are pretty much done with baby food, and will probably be transitioning to a cup and milk by the time he's 10 months. He's a freak of nature.

But a freak of nature that I sure do love. He's just so amazing. Teeth #7 and #8 are breaking through the gums this week, he's cruising all over the place, climbing up on steps, standing for a good 10-15 seconds. He gives kisses, drinks from a cup, says Mama and Dada (and bunch of other stuff that I can't figure out). He's so big, so fast. I think I'll keep him.

My little climber & explorer.


jessica said...

The Hi & Lois baby is named Trixie.

Ryan is looking way too much like his daddy. What an adorable baby.

Mandy said...

OMG, that last pic is to die for. And, I know we say it all the time, but he looks like Addison in that one! I miss all of them (well and you and Trey too) so much! Love you!

Grammy said...

There are a lot of good genes in our family! So cute....Love to all.