Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Singin' a New Tune

I love making up songs and singing them with Sean. He and Ryan each have their own "Lullaby" song, there's a naptime song, etc.

So today, when I put Ryan down for his afternoon nap - which is the signal to Sean that it's his "Quiet Time," Sean put up a fight, and this is what ensued.

Mom: Sean, what movie do you want to watch in Mom's room for Quiet Time.
Sean: No, I don't want to do that!
Mom: Well, it's Quiet Time, so you can play quietly in your room, or watch a movie in Mom's room. It's your choice.
Sean: (grunts Very loudly, and then starts singing in his own made-up tune)
"My Mom is craaaa-zy!
She says it's qui-et time, but it's noooo-t!
I wan-na play a gaaame,
And that's not a prooo-blem!"

I'll let you know when the Greatest Hits album is released!

1 comment:

Grammy said...

That's hilarious!! Sean must be 21 disguised as a 3 year old!