All that work was for nothing! Cuz after just three short years, Saint Pete finally got around to fixing the street in front of our house! Something tells me, though, that this will be a bit of an inconvenience for a few days.
Good thing I had my listening ears on, because even though I had the garage door open, with minivan in full display, this guy just pulled up, rarin' to go!
I ran outside like a bat outta hell so I could get the van out. Idiot.
Sean said: "Now my Daddy is going to hafta fix this!"
Sean said: "This is Crazy!"
Brothers takin' it all in!
Sean said: "This is Serious!"
Yes, we are getting somewhere!
This guy may, in fact, have a shittier job than I do.
Because it's hot. It's Africa hot.
And in just three short days, we can use our driveway again!
free intertaiment. What more do you want
Good thing you got your van out! Otherwise you'd be rednecking it on the lawn! ;)
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