You should all know by now that April and May are crazy for us. It's Birthday Central for the Latta family - at least 2/3 of ALL of our family was born in these two months! And with accommodating Isabella's mom's family, we frequently have to rearrange weekends and celebrate birthdays and holiday unconventionally - such is life, we've learned to roll!
So this year, in order to have a cool shindig for both Sean and Isabella, we did a combo party! Could have been a disaster and mass chaos, but instead it was awesome, and I owe it all to our awesome kids! Sean and Isabella loved partying together, no one got upset, no one begged for more spotlight time, they loved helping each other out. Most of that comes from the incredible big sister, Isabella!
How do you celebrate a 10 year old girl and a three year old boy? With a Fiesta, of course! Our guests this year were Grammy, Poppa Latta & Roxy, Grandma Fran & Papa Z, Grandpa Phil & Oma Annie; Aunt Jessica came in from Memphis; our neighbors, The Blakes (sans a sick Joe); Isabella's friend Kirsten; and our good friends, The Caylors.


Grandma & Papa Z

GiGi & Baby Ryan

Oma Annie & Baby Ryan

Baby Amerra's getting so big!
We chowed down on yummy BBQ & Fiesta fare!

Poppa, you have a little chili pepper on your face. =)

The Buffet Line

Birthday Girl Isabella

Ms. Hope

Sean & Kirsten
The kiddos opened their many presents - we have such amazing friends and family! Thank you ALL for being a part of such a fun and wonderful day!
Lil brother & Big sister helping each other out!
Sean's new favorite noise maker!
Isabella got a new American Girl doll from Grammy!
New bikes from Mom & Dad!
Then we headed outside to beat up on a defenseless pinata - of which I took not one single photo, apparently! I did, however, nab some great photos of Isabella taking advantage of her sleeping Poppa! Everyone needs a nice Mani every once in awhile!
Which is his best color?
And then we dug into some great birthday cake and ice cream!

"Happy Birthday to You!"

Aunt Jess

Sean would like you to SEE how great his cake is!

Ryan getting his first taste of cake & icing!

Hope, Isabella, Kirsten & Emma
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