Wednesday, April 1, 2009

One Week Indeed!

Apparently, the week long stomach virus is just that!  Today would be Day 7, and it appears to be over!  Ryan has not been sick all day, and he is power sleeping - he took a three hour nap this morning, and is on his second three hour nap!  Holy cow!  

Phew!  I feel so much better, even though I am so mentally and physically exhausted!  He stayed hydrated, thanks to Pedialyte, and now we can concentrate on beefing him back up again!


Sarah said...

I can't imagine a week of that! Usually 24 hours is just about enough, wouldn't ya say? Poor kid! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Grammy said...

So glad Ryan's okay! Let's hope that's the end of it at the Latta house! Hope to see Sissy's picture with the boys on the blog soon.

Love ya.