So Tuesday, the boys and I worked all day on Trey's birthday. Sean sang him Happy Birthday on his voice mail, we sent a love text. Sean spent hours working on Daddy's birthday card, while I spent hours on a made-from-scratch Mexican enchilada meal - that I was almost too tired to enjoy! The Mexican rice was awesome, but the enchiladas were almost too flavorful. Wow! But the cheesecake washed it all down beautifully!
Poppa Latta surprised us with a birthday visit and he stayed for dinner. And when it was time for presents, Sean dug right in! I wish I had it on video, but he was hysterical - he wouldn't let Trey open the packages, and when it came to the second present (a softball bat), Sean could not figure out how to open it!

Sean opening Daddy's presents!
Trey got the new Blues jersey from me and a new softball bat from the kids.
Friday was my birthday, and Trey and I went to the Blues game with some friends of his from work. Grandpa Phil and Oma Annie watched the boys for us, and all four of them managed to survive! Even with a poop incident from Sean and a spit up incident (or two or three!) from Ryan!
Me and Trey, and 20,000 other fans
And the best part? They won!
They not only won, but they clinched a playoff spot for the first time in six years! The place was Rockin'! Hockey games are already exciting as hell to watch live, but this one was the best I've been to!
On Sunday, after our Easter dinner at Grandpa and Oma's, we were presented with a yummy-in-the-tummy birthday cake!

Sean can't wait to help blow out the candles.
Which were trick candles, by the way, and both Grandpa and Oma claimed ignorance.
Grandpa Phil: "She bought them!"
Oma Annie: "I didn't know!"
But the candles stood no chance with two windbags on the attack - Trey and I knocked them all out!
Mom & Dad & The Boys
So thank you to everyone for all the cards and well wishes! Trey and I had a great couple of days! Oh, and I'll let you know when my birthday present, a new flower garden, comes to fruition! ;-)
Happy belated birthday! You look great btw!!!!
I thought it was funny about Shawn opening Trey's presents. Emily started that with Stephen in Feb. I know I won't stand a chance on my birthday! LOL!
Thanks, Karon!
Hey, email coming your way about switching over to WordPress. I'm at least doing that with FitMommas.
I was there too!!
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