Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Happy Birthday, Trey!

Happy Birthday, Trey!  

Trey is 37 years old today, but I must say he is handsome as ever!  The boys and I are putting together a family dinner just for Daddy, and then they're hitting the sack early so Mom & Dad can have some Birthday Lovin'!  You know, snuggle up and then pass out on the couch while watching a movie!  What did you think I meant?

This weekend, we celebrated Trey's birthday with Isabella with a family outing to the Zoo.  We had The Best time!  These kiddos LOVE their daddy!

Sean, Daddy & Isabella

Sean & Daddy 
Wow, they are so gorgeous!

HaHa!  Isabella was the only one ready for this shot!  

Hangin' on Dad! 
Their favorite place to be!

It's still a great photo, even if the cranky kid is burying his head!

And not to be left out, Baby Ryan, who was in the stroller asleep most of the time, wanted to leave this birthday message for Daddy.  (I hope this is up soon - I've been waiting over an hour for YouTube to process this video!)

1 comment:

Grammy said...

Wonderful pics and as usual the Mom is taking the pics! Glad you had a good time with the kids.
Love you all