Yesterday, you turned three months old - and today marks 13 weeks since you came into the world. And I cannot imagine my world without you. Something so amazing happened today at MOPS, and it is the opitome of my love for you.
You were fussing and overtired, having missed your first nap. I decided to give you your next bottle, and hoped that you would sleep afterward, even though sleep meant laying in your car seat while I sat through the rest of my meeting.
So there I was, feeding you in my arms - and your bright blue eyes stared up at me in awe, and you struggled to eat through your big grin! I literally felt my heart radiating warmth into my chest, and my eyes filled with tears. This is the ultimate love, my dear baby boy, and you bring such joy into my life, I don't know how I lived without it.
While we are still struggling some days with your poor belly, there is no doubt that you are such a content baby. Everyone comments on how alert and happy you are, and your smiles stop strangers on the street! You are beautiful, just like your big brother, and yet also sweet and cheerful - how is it possible for me to be blessed with such two amazing boys? How did lightening strike twice?
And if I didn't announce it already, you have been sleeping through the night for over two weeks! There is nothing in the world better than the two of us well rested! We took the sleep training slow with you, to make sure your belly issues weren't aggravating you. But once we gave it a go, it was only about three nights, and you had it down pat! And by sleeping through the night, I mean 10-12 hours a night. No wonder you're getting so big so fast, you sleep all night, plus nap so during the day - giving you plenty of time to grow, grow, grow!
I promise to continue to work on the reflux, my poor sweet thing. Next step is reflux medicine, but I also know that within a few months, you'll be better all on your own. I can't wait to see you be the happy baby all the time, like your brother was. I hate that your tummy bothers you so on some days (and am baffled why you are just fine on others!)
You're strong, sweet, funny, happy. You adore your big brother, you're fascinated by Sophie. You wave your arms in a frenzy at the site of a bottle. You turn your head and smile whenever you see or hear your mommy or daddy. You are already sitting up so well when propped up, holding your head up high! But nothing make me smile more than to hear you sing and talk to me. Where's that tape recorder when I need it!
So, my love, here's to your first three months. You are beautiful, an angel that I cherish every day.
All my love forever,
Just a little Curious about George!
You have no idea how much we dig you!
Um, big brother, you're interrupting the photo shoot!
So happy that Spring Training has started!
This morning, at MOPS, before you melted my heart.
Love all of you so much....
It's amazing how much he looks like Sean in some of those pics. So cute.
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