I had never really known the difference between a spitting up baby and a vomiting baby until Thursday morning. More like Exorcist baby. Add in continuous diarrhea. Both Trey and Sean have a sensitivity to antibiotics, so I immediately assumed that was the problem. But by Friday morning, Ryan had thrown up three times. Turns out there is a stomach virus going around, so the doc said to hold off on the antibiotic for a full day, and the antacid for a half day while things calmed down.
The problem is....it hasn't calmed down! Today was Day 6. I've actually been doing OK, in fact, I told Melissa B. how OK I was just yesterday. But something about today - I just hit that edge. The proverbial wall. I can't do it anymore. I'm worn out, I can't possibly have any more laundry, and to look in my little guy's eyes and have him whimper back at me is the absolute worst thing ever. He's actually kept a pretty good attitude - frequently laughing and smiling - but I think even he's getting sick of it all, and these past two days has been so sad and hurting. Sometimes, he just sings the blues! He's not crying, but singing in a sad way, like he's telling me all about it. And it's not good.
Of course, the typical bum rash has appeared. And I have a funny "be careful what you wish for" story - I was realizing that I'd never use all the current size diapers, I had a huge stockpile and Ryan was going to grow out of them any day. And then this hit. First, we're going through 2-3 times as many diapers as normal, and second, the poor little thing has lost a pound in all this. No worries about those diapers going to waste!
So please pray for my little guy. Hopefully, this bug will stay true to it's name, and only stay for a week, and then move on. In the meantime, Ryan is staying hydrated; I'm investing in a spot cleaner; and the piles of laundry are growing exponentially in front of my eyes!
Oh, I did get this incredibly adorable video today. A reminder of how amazing our little ones are!
(FYI - sorry for the delay, YouTube issues in posting this video!)
Adorable video! They're just too cute for words.
Soooooooooooo cute! Love to all.
Oh man, I so feel for you! Please, please, please let me help you out!!
I hope it is finally over for you guys! If you need anything please let me know, I'm just a hop skip and jump away literally as I just walked past your subdivision this morning:) Take care and get some much needed rest!
That was so cute s'mom!!!!!!!
I Love You guys!!!
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