Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Conversations from a typical day with Sean

Having a conversation with Sean is always fun, because you never know what the little booger is going to say.  But we've had multiple good ones today!

After Breakfast
Momma:  Sean, are you going to help mom clean today?
Sean:  Yeah.
Momma:  You going to help with the laundry?
Sean:  Yeah!  I help you clean!  (said "I hep you cleeeeeeeeen") 
I help clean clothes!  (I hep cleen cloooooooothes)
I help with laundry!  (I hep wit laaawwwndry)
I go in the kitchen, I clean my hands!  (I go in chitchen, I cleeen my haaaaaaaands)
And then you gimme knuckles!  (And he sticks out his fist to Pound It!)

Still in his seat....
Sean:  Mom, I get down.
Momma:  Are you all done eating?
Sean:  Yeah
Momma:  Well, what are you going to do now?
Sean (with finger to the side of his mouth):  Hmmm....

Potty Break
I'm in the bathroom, Sean doesn't understand the need to give me privacy.  So he barges on in while I'm doing my business.  He noticed a squirt bottle on the counter.  
Sean:  I need my step-stool.
Momma:  You do?  What do you need that for?
Sean:  I clean the baffroom!

He wanted PB&J, but I never know which way he wants it cut on any given day.

Momma:  Sean, do you want triangles or squares?
Sean:  I want Circles!

Right before naptime...
We typically watch a cartoon, then go in his room to read a book before "rest time."  I don't really care what he does for the next 2 or so hours, as long as he's out of my hair (doesn't always happen, like Monday!)  So we're in the living room today....

Momma:  Sean, do you know what book you want to read before rest time?
Sean:  No, I not!  (Starts walking away from me.)
Sean:  I go get my Light-ning 'Queen board.  See you later, Bye Bye!  
(He says walking down the hall, waving.)

And he was killing Trey and I at dinner and on our Costco run, but seriously, at this point, I can't remember.  I had written down the earlier conversations, but at this point, I just remember Trey and I laughing hysterically, not actually what Sean said.  I need to start carrying a tape recorder!  He's just so funny, and half the humor is in how he says things, not just what he says.  Like "No, I Not!" is actually said "Nooooooo, I noooooot."  With all the attitude a 2 year old can muster!


Anonymous said...

He's IS so cute and funny! Love the conversations and how smart he can be. Love to all.

Rozema Family said...

What an adorable little snooter!