Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Brotherly Love

As much as Sean hated the first week that Ryan was home, it seems these days he can hardly remember not being a big brother.  He loves Ryan, wants to help feed him, change him...jump on him, play with him, get him to answer questions...  

Sean still hasn't quite figured out that sometimes Ryan's needs come before his, but I don't think that's something too many older siblings get, much less two year olds!  Needless to say, since Sean knows better and can throw a better fit, Ryan frequently gets the short end of the stick in the attention department.  

But I definitely look forward to the days of the boys playing ball in the yard, Sean teaching Ryan the ropes, Ryan beating the crap out of Sean just to prove he can do it.

Quite possibly the cutest picture ever

Sean helping with the paci...
...or was he just trying to shut his little brother up?

Sean doing his own photoshoot of his brother

My Little Rebels

Sean the Helper
Washing Baby Ryan's bottles (before the great bottle search!)

Playtime together

Brothers in cahoots
Taken after a particularly rough night where they tag teamed me.

Wearin' matching jammies from Grammy


jodi said...

glad to hear things are going so much better! love that top picture of your boys--Sean's face is priceless!

Anonymous said...

Sean looks almost evil in the first picture! All the pics are priceless especially the one with the matching jammies! Love my boys!!!

jessica said...

Those boys are too cute for words!