OK - literally, it's two hours later. When I said back in a few, I meant few minutes, but it's been a few hours. This is blogging in real time, for a stay home mom of two small kids, trying to run a house. It ain't easy, but the days do Fly By!
So this week....
Sean got a stomach thing, which resulted in some major poopage. Which resulted in a severe baboon butt. There really isn't anything worse than your kid having a swollen red bum with bleeding blisters. Poor, Poor Sean. I felt terrible. Luckily, I have a great bum concoction, a recipe adapted from Melissa B. and Dr. Felkel. You start with your base - whatever diaper rash cream you choose. My personal favorite is Butt Paste - great consistency and smell. Then add Mylanta or Maalox (antacid), Lotrimin AF (anti-fungal) and Neosporin (first aid ointment). Mix together in a tupperware container and slap it on the poor little booty. It works wonders.
Of course, we got to the point where Sean would not let me change his ongoing poopy dipes, not understanding that all the medicine in the world would not help his bum if he continued to let nasty stuff stay on his skin. So Monday, Monday night and a good chunk of Tuesday were rough. Oy Vey.
Yesterday, I was truly tested. First off, let's put it in perspective that I no longer get good sleep - I'm consisting on no more than 2-3 hours at a time, and lots of caffeine. So I'm feeding Ryan on the couch while Sean is playing "clean up kitchen" on his new step stool in the kitchen. His new favorite (I have lots of pics to post...at some point.) Then I heard it. A slight yelp, then thud. Sean had fallen off the stepstool. And he was screaming. So I almost-literally threw Ryan into the swing (poor baby!), and ran to Sean. I thought he's OK, just scared, then I realize there's blood. Lots of blood. Ryan was also crying, with spit up all over the place. Luckily, Trey arrived home only about 15 minutes later, because Sean would not let me touch his back, Ryan was screaming, there was blood and I was having a "I honestly don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do" moment.
This is our new Norm. And in the meantime...there's laundry to do, a house to keep straight, bills to pay and let's not forget that poor Boxer baby girl Sophie! There are blogs to write, businesses to run, bodies to feed....and I feel the itch to start working out again!
I would love to post photos as well, but then it would be another 3-4 hours, as we all know (I think??) how 'ghetto' Blogger is when it comes to adding photos (a great line stolen from my friend Jodi), at least for us Mac users. So I will post the holiday photos...wait...time out, Sean is covered head to toe with water...be back in a few....
....that was actually a few! I'm back and it's only been about ten minutes! Of course, we had a wardrobe change, but each boy had two yesterday, so one for Sean so far today is pretty good!
Anyway, as I was saying, I would like to post the holiday photos before Springtime hits, so those posts will be coming with very little commentary. Sad, really. Hey, how'd it get to be 1pm? I started this post around 10:30. Sheesh, where does the time go?
You may not think so but you will survive!!! Remember, friends are near to help with Sean!
I know I can't be there to help you. I really wish I could.
However, if you need a mental escape, I'm just a phone call away! I love you!!!!
Welcome to life with two kids! I think there is a two month trial period, then it does get better. Although I can't say that getting time to type out and even worse read everyone's blogs gets better...I still can't seem to find the time to fit all of that in most days!
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