So today is a pretty cool day to be alive in America. I never thought in my lifetime that we would elect a man of color to the nation's highest office (and really, he's only considered that because he's not 100% white!). I'm so proud that my boys will grow up to not think of this as such a novel idea.
But most of all today, I am feeling the hope and the inspiration of what we can do together. Let's be honest, most Americans are pretty selfish. We didn't become the debtor nation that we are because of our love of service - no, it was the "I need, I need, I need" mentality that got us here, the belief that our things define us more than our character. As if the labels on my clothes give you any idea of the person that I am. Trey and I don't ever want our children to think that their personal value is linked to what they own. Let us spoil our children with love, affection and, most of all, our time.
So the election of a man that has called us all to action, coupled with the state of the economy, is a prime opportunity to change how we interact with one another and what we want to teach our children. In this spirit, I pledge to:
*Continue smiling at strangers and offering them a hand.
*If I don't have anything nice to say - zip it!
*Stop worrying about how others are living their life and live the best life for me and my family.
*Spend time with family and friends all year - there are 365 days a year to choose from, and any day we spend together is special. The Latta Home is open, come on over!
*Show my children the value of service by serving and sharing our blessings with others - making regular monthly donations of things we don't use/need anymore; writing letters to those that my Playgroup sponsors; continue to find new ways of living green.
There's just a few things that I pledge for me and my kids. If we all picked just a few things we could do in our lives that was from the base of giving rather than consuming, what a wonderful world this would be indeed. And now I must go, as my Little Man is begging me for his Momma's time!