I will say, however.....I am tired. Ryan is a bit confused on daytime vs. nighttime. He's not fussy at all, and is an excellent sleeper. He just prefers to sleep during the day. Yesterday, he slept six straight hours! From Noon till dinner time. Oh, I tried to wake him up. I let Sean yelp and run around all he wanted. I even snuck in a feeding or two. But nary an eyeball did I see.

But life with Ryan has not been too difficult as of yet. He's a good kid, so that always helps. Sean has been a struggle - he digs the new baby, but is definitely upset with Momma for not giving him her 100%. And I've always been one to let Sean go on his own, I'm not the Mom who coddles and hovers over. He's just that much of a Momma's Boy! He'd been tantruming more before Ryan came, and we've seen a definite increase in the past week. So we've got some room to work on there.
Otherwise, we've seen lots of visitors and had lots of help. In the hospital, Grandma Fran was there when Ryan was born; and we were visited by Grandpa Phil & Oma Annie; Grammy & Isabella; Poppa Latta & Nana Roxy; Trey's cousin Sam and his wife Debby; playgroup friend Lindsey and Belinda & her husband Darden. I'd love to show you pictures of everyone, except you really just aren't on it as much with the second one! Ha! Then Aunt Jessica came and visited over the weekend, and Grammy stayed with us from Monday morning until late yesterday afternoon.
And the meals - let me tell you, I did not have this with Sean, and it has been just awesome! I have not had to think about dinner (or lunch for that matter.) Papa Z made dinner Saturday, Roxy cooked Sunday, and the Playgroup meals kicked in this week - so we have a homemade meal delivered to us every Monday, Wednesday & Friday for the next four weeks. Plus, I have MOPS moms who are ready to deliver any meals once those run out. I have tears in my eyes right now - I could not be more blessed!
Other thoughts about this week....
* God has a funny sense of humor and has given Trey, Sean and I all a little something to add to the fun. Sean and I have been battling a cold since a few days before Ryan was born, and Trey had a 24 hour stomach bug earlier this week. It just adds to the excitement around here!
* Ryan has a bit of schmutz in his left eye - clogged tear duct no doubt - so I'm already that mom who has her hands all over her kids face, bugging the crap out of them. But he really doesn't seem to mind, just grunts at me.
* Speaking of grunting, Ryan's my Little Piglet - he squeals, squeaks and grunts like a little piggie when he's awake! I'll have to get some video of it, you know, in my spare time.
* I've never been a germaphobe, but have to admit I'm a bit freaked out to have such a vulnerable newborn baby during cold and flu season. So don't mind me if I get anal on you, avoid large crowds or prefer that you stay away or wear a mask if you're sick. My hands are raw from all the handwashing!
* I can't even list all of the things that don't bother with the 2nd kid that I obsessed over with the 1st - there's such comfort in knowing that I managed to keep Sean alive for 2 1/2 years, so I know that Ryan will be just fine! That doesn't mean I don't have worries or concerns, I'm just so much more relaxed about it this go round. For instance, I still remember sitting in my house with 3 week old Sean, in the baby seat for an hour and half, trying to get the courage to go to Target by myself with him. This past Saturday, on the way home from the Pediatrician, I didn't think twice about swinging by Target to pick up a few things (only to have to turn around because Ryan decided he was starving.) You just don't worry as much.
* I had more insightful musings over this past week. But sleep deprivation won't allow me to remember them at this time...
So, here are some more pics - if you even bothered to read all of the above, I know what you're here for!
Sweet Precious Boy
My long, skinny boy. Check out those Monkey Toes - just like his brother!
Like everything else Momma packed, Ryan's going home outfit was ginormous on him!
Don't cry, little guy, we're going home!
Momma's Little Bean (his other nickname)
Hey, Ryan's sleeping! Hey, it's the middle of the afternoon!
(But too cute how that sleeper is wearing him! He's so tiny!)
Ryan says: "Funny how Mom thinks this will put me to sleep."
He is sooo cute!! I can not wait to meet the little one in person
So precious....we live and die by the swaddle me!!!!
All my grandbabies are beautiful..and why not; their parents are!!!! Have to go out and get the ornaments that you can record on so all of them have a recording of Grammy!!! I know you can't wait for it.....Ha!
He is adorable Amy!! It always took about 3-4 months for me to feel somewhat normal again and not so incredibly sleep deprived. Enjoy it b/c it always seems to faster with the 2nd...and 3rd. :)
Congratulations Amy!! Little Ryan is such a cutie!!!
Glad to hear things are going well--been thinking about you guys! He is truly a precious little boy!
So cute, I love how tiny he is. I keep forgetting how small they are when they come out, lol. We start natural childbirth class soon and can't wait!
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