Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sean's First Haircut

As you have seen from the many photos posted of my oldest son, he's become quite the raggedy-haired mophead recently.  I have been reluctant to cut his hair, because he's still so friggin' cute, and I was scared of cutting out all the curls.  But I got word that he was going to get his picture taken this week at school, and I'm hoping to recapture his 18 months photos in the same yard as last year - if it ever warms up again! 

Luckily, my good neighbor, Ann, is finally back in the haircutting swing of things after having her baby a few months ago - and rather than going back to the salon she worked at before, her hubby (Sean's bestest friend of ever, Joe) built her an awesome little salon in their basement - a mere 30 ft from my front door!

So yesterday, Sean and I got chopped!  Yes, I'll post photos of my new bob when I get photos (yes, you read that right, a bob, as in 3-4 inches on the floor!).  I have no photos of me because I was too busy snapping away to capture my little guy!

Without further ado...Sean's first official haircut!

Miss Ann spritzin' Sean's wild mane.
Sean says: It tickles, Momma!

Sean not so much likey.

Lollipops make it all better - Yay, this is fun!

Why is Momma still taking pictures?

Sean cropped - from the back

The Final 'Do - with my favorite crooked smile!

I have to admit - while I love it and think he looks like such a cute little boy....he looks like a cute Little Boy, and not the Baby I'm used to!  We had a rough night, he was up coughing and hacking, and I held him quite a bit to calm him down.  I missed his wild and crazy hair. He just didn't look like my baby as I held him in my arms in the middle of the night.  So Momma needs some time to adjust to her new big boy!


Mandy said...

Look at those Latta eyes in the squinty pic with the sucker - he looks so much like Isabella in that one!

jessica said...

What great pictures! My nephew is so adorable.

The Weber family! said...

What a cute haircut! He is getting so big! I can't wait to see your haircut too, I bet it is cute!