But finally, without further ado...two new shots of yours truly and Baby Boy!

Week 27 - with shirt
Notice the same shirt and pants from some previous shots - just a bit tighter!

Naked Belly!
Trey and I marvel at the flat edge of my big, round belly!
So at week 27....I've gained about 11 pounds, and at my 24 week appointment, I was measuring exactly where I should be. And I couldn't be happier, and the doc's happy! At this rate, if I gain a pound a week, I'll be 24-25 pounds total, which is perfect!
For comparison...With Sean, I was 143 pounds when I got pregnant. I gained 50 pounds! Yes, I topped out over 190! Complete Misery. Right now, I weigh between 146-147. So I'm only a few pounds heavier now, at 27 weeks pregnant, than I was when I got pregnant with Sean.
And let's be clear that this isn't about vanity. I proved that you can not only lose 50 pounds, post-pregnancy, but even go beyond that. And I would like to take time for a major Shout Out to my FitMommas out there - I accomplished that because of their love and support and the awesome group that we put together!
No, the weight is about comfort and health. I am still having back problems with this one, and can't imagine how much worse it would be if I was the same weight as last time. I have major vein issues (YUCK!), worse than with Sean - and can't imagine how much worse it would be if I was heavier. Seriously, varicose veins are just plain gross, and I have a nasty one on my right leg - it astounds me what bearing a child does to your body!
So there you have it! This week, I take my blood sugar test, and next week is my next doctor appointment - but I'm not having any concerns. The pregnancy is going fabulously at this point. My only real complaint is that this kid is in a very different position than Sean, so I'm dealing with much different kicking! Sean was up in my ribs (and apparently, my wide rear end!). But this one is way down low, and kicks me repeatedly throughout the day and night in private places that should not be kicked! Especially from the inside! Ahem.
You look great!
Wow, you finally have a baby bump! You look great!
Lookin' good, my friend! Your weight gain (or lack thereof) is incredible. (This coming from someone who gained 60 lbs.!)
Now I can tell your preggo... I was starting to wonder!! :)
You are looking great and I hope everything continues to go great!!!
You look sexy! I luv u. trey
You look great Amy...love the belly pics!!
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