(Almost forgot the 20+ hours I spent resurrecting the old PC laptop, just so I could run Pampered Chef's software. Why can't PCs be like Macs - turn it on and it works? No viruses, no drivers, no complicated languages. I still have to figure out how to get the PC to talk to my secured Mac network - right now, I'm running sans protection!)

Well, God has a funny way of helping you prioritize, and will help when you ask for it. Just be careful what you ask for! On Tuesday, I noticed that Sean had a fever in the afternoon - 103.6! Wow, he'd never had a fever that high! He didn't seem to really have any other symptoms, other than the same allergy symptoms I'd been dealing with.
It kinda sucked, because I had really counted on Wednesday's Mom's Day Out to run errands, but there was no way I could let him go. So I killed myself running errands as late as the stores were open on Tuesday, and hoping for a healthy kid on Wednesday. He was good most of the morning, and then a 103 fever hit Wednesday afternoon. Ugh, not a one-time thing, and I had heard grumblings about a fever-thing going around. I was glad that Trey and Grandma would be at my party to help out that night, even if Trey had our garage sale stuff to deliver to Ana's. The show was tough towards the end, because Sean went downhill, and wanted Momma.
So I realized that MOPS was out on Thursday, which was a bummer cuz Momma really needed a break at this point! Plus, there was a family picnic to plan with my co-chair! Instead, I had Sean home sick, again, but this time with a 102 fever. At this point, I'm thinking...OK, definitely a viral infection, and this is probably the beginning of the end. Everyone has said their kid dealt with this for about three days. It was a long day, but we coped.
And then Trey got home from softball practice. Sean was passed out on the couch. He started crying, I went to get him, and he was on fire. 104 temp! Yikes! While he screamed the whole time, Sean cooled off in a lukewarm bath with Trey, and I knew that Friday morning would mean a trip to the doctor's office. Which put a crimp in my Friday plans of organizing the garage sale and helping to open it that afternoon!
Sean slept through the night no problem, but woke up with a fever of 104.5. Motrin is a wonderful thing, however - always bringing Sean's fever down, and on this day, buying me the few hours it took to get into the doctor's office. I was not surprised when the nurse practitioner confirmed that he had a viral infection - but I was blown away when she pointed out his Double Ear Infection!
I know, some Moms are saying "Um, Hello!? I saw that coming a mile away!" Well, I didn't. Sean has never had an ear infection, it never crossed my mind he had one in each ear! No rubbing his ears, sleeping fine through the night, no history. My poor baby!
So at this point, Momma's plans are completely out the window. I left my friends to fend for themselves at the garage sale, taking phone calls when certain items of mine were up for negotiation. (Ana, you Rock for nabbing $75 for my guitar!). I had Trey to watch Sean and Isabella while I worked the sale on Saturday, but the MOPS family picnic that followed was out. (Mandy, you rock for pulling the whole thing together on your own, and Julie, you rock for stopping by my house on the way over to bring my supplies!)
And Sean? He's fine. Now. A few days of antibiotics, and he's almost good as new. (Though, now I'm paranoid about his bum, as neither Sean nor Trey's stomachs tolerate antibiotics very well.) He had a slight fever Saturday, but I figured that's the last of the viral infection he was dealing with. Yesterday, he slept in way late, and then ran, ran, ran with his big sister. Until he literally crashed and burned on the floor.
Little Boo - The Most Important Thing in My Life
Don't beat yourself up about the ear infection. Trey and Mandy never showed any signs or symptoms either and Mandy's eardrum broke!! No fever, no nothing. Talk about feeling inept as a parent. Love ya.
Poor little man...man, I hope Addie doesn't inherit this issue with no signs!!! Yikes!
Hey - don't you have a beautiful new niece you just met to blog about?? ha ha!
Poor little Sean! I hope he feels better soon. DON'T feel bad about not catching the infection. Emily has had THREE in less than a year and she never shows any signs other than a fever. Guess who is now a paranoid mommy with every fever? Guess who's dr get's lots of copays??
i know that the best thing for ear infection is something called eardoc.
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