Monday, August 11, 2008

Back to life, back to reality

So it's Monday a.m. after vacation, Trey's at work, the kids are still sleeping.  And it's back to life.  Vacation was awesome, how can it not be when all you do is lay around either in or next to water all day?  It was blistering hot the first half of the week, then almost cool the second half, comparatively speaking, of course!  

I haven't downloaded any photos yet, so they'll be coming over the course of a few days.  I have some video, too, including footage of Sean falling in the water, scarring him for two straight days.  There are stories to tell, memories to savor.  We laughed, we cried, I drank O'Douls and virgin margarita mix.

I can tell you now that I managed to do in one week what I could not do in five months...gain FIVE POUNDS!  (Said in the same voice as Principal Rooney, relaying to Ferris' mom about missing school Nine Times.)  Now, this morning, I'm already down 1/2 a pound, so hopefully some of that weight gain level off.  Nothing like a week of high fat, high salt, high calorie foods 24/7 to help put on the poundage.  Trey was up five pounds as well.  So they'll be a pregnancy update, too, this week, as there is no denying my pregnant belly anymore.  Which is nice and tan these days.  So stay tuned...


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you back Amy and that you had a great vacation! Hopefully we can get together soon, I'd love to see your little preggo belly :)

Anonymous said...

At least you both have a good excuse for gaining weight!! Hope Sophie is back to her routine.

Love Mom K

Debbie said...

You needed to gain some weight. You're skinny! Glad you're back. We missed you!