Sean was feeling full of pep and energy today, too. I believe psychiatrists describe it as Mania. This morning, it was annoying but still fun. Having him ram into me over and over as I was trying to fold sheets was trying, but certainly manageable. But then it just got worse.
By Noon, my pep and energy were gone and I was ready for a nap. I had already cleaned up three open-cup milk spills at this point, and weathered more fits than I normally get in a week. But a nap wasn't in my future. Sean barely laid down for 30 minutes, I had to get him back up because Trey worked overnight last night and again tonight. So I had to get the heathen up, and ask him to lay (quietly) with me on the couch. That lasted about 20 minutes.
It continues to go downhill. I had to stop typing this so I could clean up yet another spill. Sean has been body slamming me, the floor, the dog, and running, hollering, throwing. Trey left for work about 30 minutes ago, apologizing for leaving me alone. Right now, at this minute, Sean's crying at the kitchen door....for his daddy, to save him from the meanie in the house.
Trust me, kid, I know how you feel.
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