What drama you ask? Well, symptoms come and go big time. Five days of straight nausea followed by four straight days of nothing. Two weeks ago, this caused me to curl up in a ball for a few days until the ultrasound confirmed that everything was hunky-dory. The only thing that kept me from going off the deep end was that I wasn't spotting.
Hey, guess what I woke up to yesterday morning? Spotting.
So I called the doc's office as soon as they opened, and by 10:15 I was in for a second ultrasound to find out what was going on. Once again, I was relieved to see a bouncing baby on the monitor, heart beating strong, and this time, the central nervous system was in full operating order, so Lil' Bit was moving all over the place!

I realize now that I miss-posted the baby's length the last time - she was actually only 0.46 inches last time. This week, she has grown to 2.45 cm, or .96 inches. She's measuring exactly 9 weeks and 1 day, which just happens to be the exact length of my pregnancy as of yesterday - perfect!

The 4D image on the right does not show how awesome it was on screen - you're looking at the top of the head, and you could totally see both lobes of the brain, plus it's little arms just beneath the head. I can see it, but won't even pretend that anyone else will be able to tell what's what.

In the meantime, I'm not sure if that belly is bloat or baby - or the after-affects of a weekend traveling and all the fine food that goes with that. I'm going with bloat, as my tummy sticks out a few inches after each meal! Ugh, I hate the sluggish digestive system of pregnancy!
As for the spotting, there's no obvious cause. Because of that, I had to get a RhoGam shot. (Layman's Terms: I'm a negative blood type, Trey's positive, and that can mean bad things for baby if our blood mixes. The shot prevents my body from rejecting the baby should that happen.) Not only did I get a shot in the butt, I'm on "pelvic rest" for the next few days. Ha! Nice euphemism! And no heavy lifting, and no leading stroller aerobics until at least 3 days after the spotting stops. Which works well with my ongoing plan of sleeping as much as possible.
You look so cute!
glad things are okay...i've been thinking about you! Hopefully I'll see you guys on Thurs.
Oh, and I see no belly!
Glad everything is OK!
I am so glad everything is ok. Isn't funny how pregnancies can be so different? The u/s pics are great. I have never seen a u/s pic look so much like what the websites show the baby should look like!
You look great Amy! Glad to hear everything is good!
ACtually I think I can see a bow in her hair already!
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