Thursday, May 22, 2008

Week 11 - She Keeps Bringing the Drama

I had another scheduled appointment yesterday, and had another impromptu ultrasound.  This little one keeps bringing the drama, and I started spotting, again, after stopping for over a week.  Part of me believes that Julie, the nurse practitioner, just really loves doing ultrasounds, but I'm glad that she let me have another one, so I could not only see the baby, but also so she could do a thorough search of everything down there.  She could not find anything wrong, whatsoever.  Again, big relief!  Again, more rest for me!  

In the meantime...check these ultrasound pics out!  She finally figured out how to print the 3D images full size, and they are simply amazing.  Before you get all weirded out and having flashbacks from "Alien," take a look at the animated thing on the side of the blog, and the baby's looking very much like what the graphic says it's supposed to!  And check out the details of her face!  (No, no confirmation yet whether "she's" a boy or girl!)

In this image, you can so clearly see her eyes, nose, mouth, even ears!  And long, gangly arms!

Here she's raising her hands up to her face, as if to say, "OK, that's enough, no more pictures!"
I also have two 2D images, but they barely resemble a baby compared to these above.  

So where are we at 11 1/2 weeks?
Weight Gain:  0 lbs!  But, I fear that I'm losing some muscle mass by not working out like I'm used to.  Definitely getting squishier!
Lil' Bit Length:  Measuring in at 4.88 cm, or just about 2 inches!  She's growing super-fast!
Lil' Bit HR:  A super-strong 157!
Symptoms:  I'm so grateful that the nausea is going away!  I get queezy every once in awhile, but the day long, in-my-throat feeling is long gone!  YAY!  My energy is definitely coming back as well, though I do still get more tired than usual.  And with the spotting, still have doctor's orders to get plenty of rest.  I've had more stretching pains this week, and that belly is finally popping out just a bit.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad that everything is okay. Take it easy and let me know if there's anything I can do. I love you!

Unknown said...

Julie does love to do ultrasounds...she also loves to "guess" way ahead of time what she thinks the gender of the baby is. She was right with this one and she made her guess at about 10 weeks. Glad to hear you are feeling better!!