Look at how incredibly handsome and sweet he was on the day he was born! I had no idea on that day how much my life would change because of his presence in it. My view of the world has changed now that I see it through Sean's eyes. So full of excitement and awe, and it's like I'm seeing many things for the first time. I've learned to be more helpful, more patient, more loving, because I want those things for him and know that I am responsible for showing him how to live a good and just life. The pursuit of all that is hip and trendy has been replaced with savoring every moment I have on earth with this incredibly cool human being.
But this is a post to honor my Little Man - who is, in fact, one cool kid. Sean is a Mini-Me of Trey - incredibly handsome, wickedly funny, and he loves to bust a move whenever he hears a good beat! And then there's his love of sports and cars. I had no idea that things like this were so ingrained in a child so young, but Sean is fascinated by any sport involving balls and he loves cars and trucks! But at least I can stake claim on those big brown eyes and dimples!

Today was a Mommy day. We got up early and headed over to Paul's Donuts for breakfast with a couple of Playgroup moms. He was literally a kid in a candy store, overwhelmed with the choices behind the glass case! Afterwards, we ran a few hours of errands, and he was so sweet and friendly with me and with strangers, laughing, talking, waving "Hi!" and "Bye!" to everyone we met. He ran among the flowers at Mannino's, stopping to smell the flowers and saying "Mmmm!" when he sniffed some he liked. At Target, he wanted to walk and carry the hand-held basket himself - which was hilarious, since the basket is bigger than him! He ducked around the racks of close, hiding from me, and then hoping I would find him - and squealing with glee when I caught his eye.
We ended our outing with a trip to McDonald's. When I picked up the tray from the counter, he yelled "Mmmm" loud enough that the workers stopped and laughed. He followed me to the seat, where he climbed up after me, and sat down like such a good little guy. It was pure joy sitting next to Sean, watching him eat his hamburger and fries all by himself, picking up his milk and drinking like a big boy. He fed fries to Sleepy Bear, flirted with the older couple across from us. Prince's "When Doves Cry" came on the radio, and he was grooving in his seat - no doubt this kid's mine!
We came home, played with sidewalk chalk and bubbles, took a walk down the street. Now it's mid afternoon, and Sean's down for a nap, and I'm sitting here grateful. Grateful for being blessed with an amazing little boy.
Happy Birthday big boy! Hope it was a great party!
I had a wonderful time with you guys this weekend!
Can you believe that your little man is 2?! Where does time go? I hope he had a great day, we were thinking of you! Here's to another great year!
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