Last Weds. night was Sean's first tumbling class. What a hoot! I was too in awe of it all to get any halfway decent photos, but here's Sean enjoying one of his two new favorites, walking on the balance beam. He also loved the trampoline. Actually, he loved it all, the little ham!
Saturday, we were up in Hannibal for Isabella's basketball game. All that hard work for a tie, but we had fun cheering them on!
Here we are on Sunday at my Grandma's 80th birthday party. GiGi, you look awesome and we love you!
Isn't this kid just too cute? Don't mind the half naked girl in the background.....she decided she didn't want to be a princess anymore. And yes, that's family friend Nate next to her, dressed as Tinkerbell. Really, the photo's about my gorgeous kid, but there is some 'splainin' to do!

And tonight, Trey finished these awesome storage shelves in the part of our basement that will remain unfinished. There's the little guy giving Daddy a hand!
And here's hoping that the next week kicks butt, rather than kicks my butt.
I can't wait to see you guys in less than 2 weeks and give that little man smooches all over the place!! Also, can Trey PLEASE teach Nick how to build something? Or at least how to fix our mailbox. (We can start small.)
Sean is such an adorable little ham. I wish I could be there more!
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